Welcome to my studio! Things have expanded and taken over the basement. The studio now consists of the mixing room, an auxillary room, and a primary tracking room. This paired with quality microphones and good tuning for a live but controlled sound, helps to achieve great recordings in this basement studio. Come check it out or check out some old tracks done with the local independent station KRFF 95.9. You can find LP work done with some awesome local bands such as Triple Deke, Sounding Fathers, and Prediction of the Witch. Regional bands like the now disbanded Lion Slicer from Green Bay have also stopped in to record some songs for release. The environment is tuned to creativity and getting comfortable recording of great takes done. Reach out to check out the studio and discuss pre-production before committing to booking a larger block of time.


The studio is designed to allow an artist to bring their own rigs in and capture their natural sound. I have some gear available that can be used on occasion. I have many mics collected over the years with some unique options. My collection has spanned over 10 years with some mics sticking with me through various recording rigs. The board currently is a Soundcraft Signature 22MTK board that allows great flexibility in choosing analog and digital options. A true "best of both worlds" studio that allows full band live tracking.
Ready to book a session?
Contact me through Facebook!